Welcome to The Diary of Higgins & Haiti!

Hello everyone,

You will be glad to know that I have compiled the diary of my volunteer period in Haiti. It can be found if you click on the link below:

I hope you get a chance to flick through it or even have a read at the 1-28 posts (under September archive). I have ordered the posts in the reverse order (a blog usually starts with the most recent first) to allow you to read my account in the order that it happened - kind of like a novel. The only post which is out of sync is no.7. I have struggled with this for days and there appears to be some error which will not enable me to slot this piece of info where I wish it to be.

I am aware that you are all incredibly busy, so I will add a video clip which I have compiled all my fave images from my trip along with tunes that remind me of the special country and its people. This will basically tell you the story, without having to read it, if you so desire. I will also be adding a page for this blog on FB. Before you all groan, this is to allow me to keep my Haiti life and my personal life separate. If you do visit Facebook, please join this page to keep up-to-date with my news and future projects – the more hits I get the better. Or click on the 'like' button on the right hand-side of the page!

Check back once a week for news!

Once again, thank you to all you lovely, kind, generous people who made this adventure possible with your kind words of encouragement and support.

22 - Optimum

6pm is upon us before we realise it and its food time is a little earlier than usual.
New rule – discuss the day but only the positives; another GVN annoyance. It’s definitely a step in the right direction, but surely it’s more beneficial to discuss the whole of the day, not just the good bits? If we know about the negative parts, something can be done to correct them for the future……
Jake and I do the dishes for the last time.

As everybody is in an upbeat mood, we agree that we should have one group night out at Optimum. The girls are very keen as we get to see Stephen, the most beautiful boy in the world, who works there and is also one of our students.
We had one beer each, by candle light, and everybody was in great spirits.
Katie, Prya and I are selected by our translators Justeland, Samuel and Zacko to go behind the old bed sheet / curtain that hangs in the corner and behind which the dancing takes place. This is something I was aware of and it felt slightly unusual but since we were the only people in there and we trust the boys implicitly, we start to dance together. The normal practice is for girls to encourage other girls up to dance but the dancing can only be done behind the curtain. The sheet acts as a private divide and once on the other side, the female dancers will be met by the men.

We all walked back to the camp together but Sarah, Andrew, Keely and I stayed up a bit longer to break the record. The latest anybody had stayed up had been 10.10pm. Now, Optimum didn’t open till 8pm, we were there for about an hour and then walked home, so now it was 9.30pm and we weren’t sure we were going to make it. We giggled together about relationships and children and keeping them in bubble wrap, and then moved on to mixing the kids up on Xmas day with the turkey so the turkey is at the table with a party hat on and the children are in the oven – I guess you had to be there. I think the conversation was around the topic of what bad parents we would be; Sarah then hilariously told us that when she was little, she use to play at being an abusive parent. She would tie all her dolls up behind her bed and pretend she was driving whilst shouting at her brood behind her. Before anyone starts to panic, she has a wonderful home life and parents and this scenario couldn’t be further from reality. By now, we all had tears rolling down our face and realised that we had broken the record – it was now 11.13pm and most definitely bed time – I sleep straight through, for the first time, till 6.03am.

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